Saturday, October 13, 2007

Temporary Tattoo Designs

It is strange how big temporary tattoo designs have become. When I was a kid, I used to get all of my temporary tattoos from vending machines in the front of laundromats, restaurants, or grocery stores for a couple of quarters, but now they are every where. My kid sister orders temporary tattoo designs online all of the time, and frequently has her whole body pasted with the stickers. I guess I understand why. There is no denying that temporary tattoos are cool. I'd have some myself if I hadn't already graduated to the real kind.

Temporary tattoo designs are available in an almost unlimited number of shapes, colors, and subject matters. Of course, there are the ever popular, classic tattoo ones; there are hearts with knives through them, flaming skulls, dragons, eagles, Harley Davidson logos, and all that sort of thing. Than there are the ones with cute phrases. These always irritate me, but my little sister seems to like them as much as any other temporary tattoo designs. She's not picky.

They have things like “Too Cute”, or “Princess” written on them – stuff that, for some strange reason, middle school girls think is just precious. In fact, just the other day my sis had one that said precious, except that it was spelled “prrrrecccious” and had a cat on it, playing with a ball of yarn. There are even some temporary tattoo designs in plain black ink that look remarkably real. They are designed like stencils so that you can put different words on your arm. Others have pictures of hearts, ships, or women, and look just like sailor tattoos.

There are also the “tribal” temporary tattoo designs. These are things like naval stars, spirals, iron and Celtic crosses, and various mandalas which you can inscribe all over your body. I feel the same way about these temporary tattoo designs as I do about real “tribal” tattoos; if you can't come up with a tattoo design which has personal significance and is not just something that you got because everyone is getting them, then maybe you should give up.

The coolest, in my opinion, are the temporary tattoo designs which let you build your own. There are kits available with a few stock letters and shapes, and then a whole sheet of that temporary tattoo paper that you can fashion into whatever you want, and then rub on to your arm. The first time I played with one of these kits, I realized that one day I would get a real tattoo. I wonder if my little sister feels the same way.

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