Monday, September 24, 2007

Tattoos, But No Regrets

Getting a tattoo has become more and more mainstream recently. While it always seems like a fun idea at the time, lots of people wind up regretting it down the road. If you have a tattoo that you are ready to part with, you can do so with confidence. For tattoo removal Chicago plastic surgeons offer the latest in technology.

For tattoo removal Chicago surgeons offer a variety of options. Removing tattoos without scarring can be tricky. Surgical excision is a possibility, as are Micro-dermabrasion and chemical peels. These will remove the tattoo, but not without pain or risk of scarring. No matter what you may have heard, though, tattoos can be removed with minimal discomfort. While there are a number of options for getting rid of tattoos, only one option leaves no scarring behind. The surgeons at the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute recommend the use of a medical laser.

The medical laser uses pulses of light to target the ink, not the skin itself. No skin cells are damaged in the procedure, therefore no scarring can occur. A small amount of stinging pain is normal, and for that reason patients can choose a local anesthetic such as a cream or ice to ease the sunburn-like sensation. Some patients opt to go without any anesthesia.

The tattoo removal surgeons recommend uses the medical laser to efficiently hone in on the ink. The ink absorbs the laser light, which subsequently causes the ink particles to break apart. The broken particles are naturally absorbed by the body. Treatments last between ten and thirty minutes, and multiple treatments are needed before the tattoo fades completely. Sessions are spaced at least one month apart. After each treatment, you can see the tattoo becoming lighter and lighter.

The tattoo removal Chicago surgeons perform is the most efficient and guaranteed option. The skin is completely unharmed in the process, and the tattoo is gone.

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