Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Benefits of Long Term Tattoo After Care

You've got past those first days of serious Tattoo After Care when all you want to do is scratch and pick at it or take the bandages off too soon to show your friends. What next? If you want that tattoo to stay bright and vibrant you have to care for it. It's a piece of art and should be treated as such. Most Tattoo Artists are highly regarded and their devotees will travel across Countries and Continents to have work done by their idols, gone are the days when they were regarded as sleazy back alley practitioners of a suspect trade. You only have to look at the Artists present at the recent Seattle Tattoo Convention - and the queues of people wanting to take advantage of their services.

Good Tattoo after care practice needs to become a part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth - something you do without thinking about it. They key thing you must do to stop your tattoo from sinking into dull wrinkles is maintain the 'canvas' the Artist worked on, your skin. Keep it clean, nourished and healthy and you'll have no problems. Your best friend is a good moisturizer - apply it gently and it will keep the skin soft and supple - especially important if you have your tattoo in places where there isn't so much 'padding' - head, hands and feet. The lack of body fat under the skin in these areas can leave the skin very vulnerable to dryness and cracking - fatal to the maintenance of your tattoo.

The most important thing to protect the color is to keep it well protected from ultra violet so a good quality high SPF sun block is your tattoo's best friend - at least factor 30. One thing it's easy to forget is that you must reapply that sunblock several times a day if your tattoo is exposed for any length of time. We all remember to do it after we've been surfing or for a swim, but what about if you are just 'out' - it still needs to be reapplied regularly or you'll find those lovely blues and greens fading to monochrome blue-grey which is not attractive!

When you have tattoos, especially by the great Tattoo Artists who are working today, you are a walking work of Art and you want to show off your body art at it's best so it's worth taking time to set up a quick and simple regime of care so that heads turn when you walk by for all the right reasons.

Tricia Myob writes widely on a number of issues and has a growing reputation in her field. You can find more information on this subject at

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