I made a big mistake and let my Mom know that I was considering getting a Christian Cross tattoo, and she was very quick to remind me that the book of Leviticus clearly states that "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." Some say that the passage is referring to practices of pagans of the time, in which they would carve idols on their bodies at funerals. The new Testament does not mention these restrictions.
So a lot of young Christians have decided to celebrate their union with God, and let everyone know that they have given there life to him and they want to display it through Christian Tattoos such as Praying Hands, Chalices, The Sacred Heart, Angels, Mary, The Apostles and even Jesus himself! These symbols could include doves, angels fighting demons in battle scenes, Biblical references, crucifixion scenes, and many more.
In a day where you look around and Religion is being taken away at alarming rates, I think it very noble that an individual would take a stance and tell the world, Look at me! I have given myself to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! There are way to many things that are worst then getting Christian Tattoos!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_E_Collins
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