Monday, September 3, 2007

Tattoo Design - Make Them As Unique As You Can Imagine!

In ancient times, tattoos had a much deeper meaning to a person than they have today. The tattoos of ancient times depicted the caste or clan of a person. In the case of ancient warriors, bigger tattoos were also used to depict entire war scenes the warrior had been in. Thankfully, tattoo designs today are just that - tattoo designs of something we like or follow.

In more recent times, tattoos were used to show the ownership of a human slave. This was prevalent during the time of African slavery. In fact, tattoos were seen as a mark of slavery during those times. However, with the abolition of slavery, tattoos have become more of a status and fashion symbol as compared to the depiction of anything.

Once a person decides to get a tattoo, the next step is to decide on the tattoo design. There are various and varied tattoo designs available in the market today. Big, small, full bodied, colored and black and white, all kinds of tattoo design are freely available. Basically, the tattoo design completely depends on what part of the body one wishes to have the tattoo on. Keeping in mind the body structure, one should decide on the tattoo design.

Maybe some of the most famous tattoo designs are the full bodied designs we see on the bodies of Chinese and Japanese actors in action flicks. These designs are mainly of dragons, warriors and other more masculine stuff.

Tattoos are today mainly used to proclaim anything by an individual. It can be almost anything, from sexual to political orientation, or in the case of celebrities, a note to their loved ones. Of course, one very famous tattoo nowadays used mainly by women is the butterfly, starting or ending just at the end of their spine. The more risque ones aim lower.

It is a misconception that tattoos are mainly used only at the bicep or forearm. Navels, bellies, chests, all are the playground for the creative tattoo artist today.

One has to put a lot of thought while deciding on a tattoo design. Tattoos are permanent more often than not and removing them can be as much of a pain as getting them. Of course, there are removable tattoos nowadays, but they are frowned upon by hardcore tattoo fan as much as a filter coffee user will frown upon instant coffee.

Therefore, getting a tattoo, and therefore the tattoo design is as permanent as decision as going in for a permanent loan. There are a large amount of tattoo artists who have an online presence. They have their websites, on which people can lounge all they want and decide on the tattoo they want. Some tattoo artists also have real time photos of how the tattoo looks on skin.

So, once you do decide on the tattoo design, it's entirely your call.

Kip D Goldhammer owns and operates Tattoo Design

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