Monday, June 18, 2007

Avoid Mistakes When Picking A Tattoo

So you finally made the decision to get a tattoo. You are probably excited about the idea and can’t wait to go in to get inked for the first time. All your friends are inked and now you have the courage to just do it. But before you do, hold on for a minute.

Let’s presume that you have already carefully researched your artist. You know that he or she is talented and can do a great job. You have also scouted out the place and feel comfortable knowing the establishment is clean, safe, and follows all the guidelines.

The biggest decision you now have to make is with your design. Even if it is your first tattoo and you feel that you are just experimenting, extra precaution should be made. A tattoo design will live with you forever and this undertaking can not be taken lightly.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of tattoo designs to choose from and the overwhelming feeling to just pick something can easily take hold if you let it. Don’t get caught up in the excitement. Think of your tattoo as a major purchase, a very expensive purchase. When you spend thousands of dollars on an item, you generally take more time to think about the decision. Although tattoos are fairly inexpensive depending upon the design, think of it as purchasing a home or a car. Make your tattoo design something of extreme value and not just a pretty or cool design on your body to show off like a piece of jewelry.

Use the internet to get some ideas of your design, but realize that you do not have to choose those designs. The designs online are not completely original because everyone else is on the internet downloading them as well.

Stay true and unique to yourself when choosing your design. One of the reasons for getting a tattoo is for originality. You do not want a tattoo that a million other people have. Your personality is unique and unlike any other person and your tattoo design should reflect that as well.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to avoid making tattoo mistakes:

Why am I getting a tattoo?

Did I take enough time researching my design?

Why did I choose the design?

Is my design common and does originality matter to me?

What does the design mean to me?

What does the tattoo design represent in my life?

Will it still have the same meaning to me five years from now?

Is the placement of my tattoo perfect for the design?

After you have given a tremendous amount of thought about your tattoo design and feel you are mentally and physically ready, that is when you can head for the tattoo shop. Remember that you do not have to choose a design on the internet or your tattoo artist wall. These are great places to start, but they do not have to be your final destination.

When you have gone through the process of evaluating a design tailor made for you, ask your artist to design it for you. It is well worth the effort because the tattoo of your dream is an item of value that will be placed on the most important person in the world…you.

Let your tattoo speak for itself. Give it a voice and let your tattoo speak. A single tattoo can tell a whole life story. Make yours memorable and not common.

Good luck in your tattoo design and choose it from your soul! Dani Calloway

Dani is an avid writer who enjoys internet marketing and public speaking. If you would like more information on the process of choosing the right tattoo design for you, and how to avoid making mistakes in picking a tattoo, please visit

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